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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Matoke-Green Banana in Coconut Sauce

Serves 12

The matoke recipe is used during family celebrations. This recipe can include many ingredients depending on what family members bring. You can substitute plantains for green bananas and red yams for the cassava.

1/4 cup olive oil
8 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large onion, chopped
1 large nduma taro (root), peeled, cut into bite-sized chunks
2 large organic tomatoes, chopped
1/2 jalapeno pepper, minced
6 firm green bananas or ripe plantains, peeled and diced
1 cassava root or red yam, peeled and cut into small pieces
1 tablespoon curry powder
Salt to taste
1 16-ounce can coconut milk
2 cups water
Cilantro, chopped for garnish

Sauté garlic and onions in oil over high heat until soft. Add all other ingredients, except spices. Cook, stirring for five minutes. Add curry powder, salt and coconut milk. Add water and simmer for another 20 minutes, until vegetables are tender. Add cilantro and turn off heat.

Recipe by Njambi Gishuru, PCC Cooks, and author of "Authentic African Cooking"


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