Here you can get recipes and tips for a vegan lifestyle. (E-mail me a health related question and I will try to post a site that has the answers you are looking for.)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Detox Your Body

At the foundation of every good health regime should be a good detox program. You must first clean out the cup before you put in the fresh water. Unknown to most, the root cause of many degenerative diseases is poor circulation. Blood is not flowing through the arteries and the lymphatic system. Nutrients cannot enter the cells and waste matter cannot exit. Heavy metals and bad oils are the main culprits. In regards to "bad" oils, I strongly recommend restricting your cooking oil to extra virgin olive oil and shying away from frying foods. Most commonly used cooking oils are highly unstable and are rancid before they even make it into your home! Antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E are excellent combatants for exposure to cancer causing free radicals in the body due to consumption of unstable cooking oils.

For heavy metal detoxification please take a moment to view this very informative Detoxamin Video. We are all bombarded with heavy metals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the fillings in our teeth, the vaccinations we get and the list goes on. A yearly detox is in order for basic maintenance and others with critical conditions need a more rigorous regimen. After viewing the video, for those who are interested feel free to contact me if you are looking for discounts on Detoxamin and various high quality supplements.

Personal Story: My son was having problems reading his first and second grade years of school. During a hearing evaluation it was discovered that he had significant CAP (Central Auditory Processing) deficiencies, and it was recommended that he have other evaluations done. I took him to the Lamm Institute where he was fully evaluated and it was assessed that he was very intelligent (as a conclusion from the IQ and psychological evaluation) but he was being challenged with ADHD, along with the CAP issues. I came into some information regarding heavy metal toxins and realized that my son showed many signs of mercury poisoning. I tried half the dose of the Detoxamin suppositories every other day on my son. The following week I get a report that he won the spelling bee contest in school. Another week goes by and I notice that he no longer needs my assistance with his reading assignments. By the end of the quarter I get his report card and a report from his teacher that he is doing so much better in school, and he is now reading above grade level!